Things to consider before getting your marriage license in Texas…
What is Twogether in Texas?
Twogether in Texas is a healthy marriage program that provides voluntary marriage and relationship education skills. Couples who complete pre-marital education through one of the counselors listed on there website will receive a completion certificate that can be presented to a Texas county clerk for up to $60 off their marriage license fee and a waiver the 72-hour waiting period. Learn More
Details you want to keep in mind:
A license purchased in any Texas county can be used anywhere in the state of Texas and any other state or country that will accept it. This includes a ceremony performed on an aircraft, boat, or ship traveling in the US or International Territory.
When a license is purchased, it may not be used for the first 72 hours.
The license is only valid for 90 days including the date of purchase.
There is no law requiring a blood test.
The person who performs the marriage ceremony – we hope you choose us – is responsible for returning the marriage license to the County Clerk's Office within 30 days from the date of marriage.
An Informal Marriage, or common-law marriage, is legal in Texas. Both applicants must appear in person to file a Declaration of Informal Marriage. The couple must list the date on the declaration from which they have considered themselves married. Both applicants will need to provide valid identification (State Issued I.D., Driver's License, Passport, etc.) The fee is $37.00

Think off your marriage license as a passport to a life of happiness.
Texas County Clerk Offices for Marriage Licenses
Austin, Texas
The Travis County Clerk issues marriage licenses at the 5501 Airport Boulevard Office in Austin, Texas. Helpful answers to some of the most commonly asked questions they receive from couples ready to get married. You can contact the clerks office directly at (512) 854-9188. Visit Site
Houston, Texas
Both applicants can apply for a Marriage License in person at one of their 10 locations . Valid I.D. is required and the fee is $74.00. Without proof of state residency on a valid form of identification from at least one applicant the fee will be $174.00. Visit Site
Beaumont, Texas
A marriage license is valid for ninety days from issuance. A seventy-two hour waiting period is required from the time the marriage license is issued until the wedding can take place unless, one of the applicants is in the military or a waiver of the waiting period is obtained from a District or County Court-at-Law Judge. Visit Site
Brenham, Texas
Both parties must appear (a proxy may apply for one of the parties, please check with clerk), submit proof of identity and age, both parties must be at least 18 years of age and there is a fee of $82.00. Present photo identification issued by this state or another state, the U.S. or a foreign government as proof of ID and age, per the Texas Family Code. Visit Site
Conroe, Texas
Marriage license will be issues to Montgomery County residents only. You need a valid picture ID with a Montgomery Country address. Marriage license will only be returned to the address located in Montgomery County. You can book an appointment online. Visit Site
Galveston, Texas
The marriage license department is location on the 2nd floor of the Justice center, 600 59th Street, Galveston, Tex or 174 Calder Drive, League City, TX. Office houses are 8:00 - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, except holidays. The fee is $81. Both applicants must submit proof of identity but certified copy of applicants birth certificate along with picture ID. Visit Site
Humble, Texas
Both applicants can apply for a Marriage License in person at one of their 10 locations . Valid I.D. is required and the fee is $74.00. Without proof of state residency on a valid form of identification from at least one applicant, the fee will be $174.00. Visit Site
Katy, Texas
Well organized site with information and instructions for applying for a marriage license. Visit Site
Pasadena, Texas
Getting married in Brazoria County? Save time by completing the Online Marriage Application, be sure to retain the request number. Visit Site
Roundrock, Texas
The most convenient County Clerk’s office to you may be the Williamson County Clerk’s office. The Williamson County Clerk’s office is located in the Williamson County Justice Center at 405 Martin Luther King Street in Georgetown, Texas. Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit Site
Sugarland, Texas
Well organized site with information and instructions for applying for a marriage license. Visit Site